Early Applicants
The Thomas Hardye Sixth Form has developed a comprehensive programme to support students who are thinking of applying for Oxford or Cambridge, or dentistry, veterinary science or medicine.
The programme begins early in year 12, with extensive research and preparation. We run two different Microsoft Teams groups to offer support, promote opportunities and deliver preparatory activities. Medical students are encouraged to seek out work experience and volunteering opportunities, which are essential for a strong application, and Oxbridge applicants are asked to pursue ‘super-curricular’ activities. Super-curricular activities demonstrate a student’s academic potential and could include books, podcasts, online courses, community lectures, or anything that extends a student’s knowledge beyond the A Level curriculum.
In the summer of year 12, students draft and complete their personal statement and also prepare for the university admissions tests, which are usually sat in the Autumn term. We have produced a guide to the various different admissions tests which can be found below. Students also take part in interview preparation to help instil the confidence and articulacy needed for university interviews.
The UCAS deadline for early applicants is 16th October, but our early applicants will have completed their application well before this date. The support continues after the deadline with another round of practice interviews. For medical students this includes MMI practice.
We are able to provide bespoke support to early applicants, whether this involves help with preparing written work for interview, further interview practice or support with admissions test.
In addition, we are proud to be part of the ‘Step Up’ programme run by New College Oxford. The Thomas Hardye School was one of the first schools to be involved in this outreach programme. New College provides sustained contact to students throughout year 12 and 13, giving them experience of an Oxford college and providing support with the application process.
Our Cambridge link college is Downing College and below is a talk delivered by their outreach officer on the Oxbridge application process.
If students or parents have questions about the early applicant programme then they should contact Mr Ayre